Welcome to the Soil Alliance
Stewards of the Biota
Haviland Earth Regeneration (HER) is a soil building company.
We are plant and soil health educators that provide lectures, workshops, and consultation for landscape regeneration. We collaborate with land managers to develop context-specific protocols to bolster plant immunity and soil functions. Our work combines scientific and practical knowledge of soil biota, soil and plant nutrition, with the aim of creating productive and resilient landscapes.

Our team has extensive, practical experience in the United States (Midwest, Rocky Mountains, and Pacific coast) agriculture sectors but has extended across a variety of managed landscapes and with international collaborators since 2012.

Services we provide to our collaborators
Land Managers
Land managers should be known, not for eroding soil, but for building it. Living soil can retain and cycle nutrients and carbon, filter water, degrade toxins, and host biodiversity. Establishing a living soil can provide a buffer from the climatic changes that land managers have been experiencing across the globe. There is work to be done. It’s time to build soil!

Clayton Scicluna and Molly Haviland